Arwen pod Pultem X Corneto z Písecké brány

Rodokmen matky a otce ( Mother and father pedegree)

Corneto z Písecké brány.pdf (199 kB) Arwen pod Pultem.pdf (170,7 kB)



Vrh (Litter) A

Vrh (Litter)  A

Štěňata se narodila 20.11. 2004. Pojmenovali jsme je Argo, Aron, Art a Anny. The puppies were born on November 11th 2004. We named their Aron, Argo, Art and Anny.



Vrh (litter) B

Vrh (litter) B

Druhý vrh přišel na svět 3.1. 2006. Narodili se tři štěňátka - Bux Bunny, Barney, Becky. The puppies were born on January 3th 2006. We named their - Bux Bunny, Barney, Becky.



Vrh (litter) C

Vrh (litter) C

Vrh C Besinka porodila 14.4. 2008. Na svět přišly čtyři štěňátka. Bohužel jedno po narození uhynulo. Štěňata jsme pojmenovali Cetti, Cyro a Cindy. The last litter came to light on April 14th 2008. We had 4 puppies but one died about one day after birth. The puppies we named Cetti, Cyro and Cindy



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Chovatelská stanice Pod pultem

S grifonky je život fajn- Aron Červený drak ( Florián)

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